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Holiday Scams Awareness


Holiday Scams Awareness

Holiday Scams Awareness

No matter the time of year, scammers and fraudsters never rest. Scammers often take advantage of the increased online shopping, travel, and charitable giving that occur during this time of year. It's important to be vigilant and aware of potential scams, which is why we put together this blog to help spread awareness of common scams during the holidays.

Gift Card Scams

Gift cards can make great gifts for just about anyone. Scammers often use emails and pop-up ads promising free gift cards. It may be tempting to click on the link, but be wary! This is a way for scammers to collect your data and personal information to use at a later time.

Fake Gift Exchanges

On social media, scammers will send out an invite to a gift exchange with others. It may look like fun and seem like a good opportunity as it states you only have to give one gift to receive many, but this is also a scam! This type of scam works similar to a pyramid scheme where it relies on recruiting new participants. Be sure to decline these types of requests!

Temporary Holiday Job Scams

With the holiday season comes the opportunity for temporary jobs, but scammers may attempt to exploit this. Be cautious of solicitations asking you to share personal information online for a job offer. Instead of sharing your information or clicking on any links, head to the retailer’s website and apply directly on their site or at their location.

Package Delivery Scams

With the increase in online shopping, package delivery scams become more common. Scammers will send text messages and calls to look like they’re from a legitimate package courier, such as UPS, and include a fake tracking link. If clicked on, this link will lead you to a website to enter personal information, or it will install malware designed to gain unauthorized access on your phone or computer. This malware is used to gather your personal data.

If you suspect that you have fallen victim to a holiday scam, report it to the relevant authorities and your financial institution as soon as possible.

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