Buying a Home
Start by defining your goals. Consider where you want to live, the features in a home you want (realizing you may not get everything on your wish list), what you can afford, and a realistic date for having the money you'll need.

Out of Work?
Getting a layoff from a job unexpectedly can leave you feeling unsure of what to do next. There are a few important steps to take that can help you shore up your funds while you search for your next job.

Preparing for a Baby
Are you adding a child to your family? Congratulations! Whether it be through birth or adoption, parenthood is a fulfilling experience that requires careful planning and consideration.

Teach Financial Literacy at Home
It's crucial for your children to know the basics of financial literacy, but how do you approach teaching them? Luckily, you're making financial decisions every day—you simply need to let your kids in on the conversation.

The Cost of College Life
One of the many mysteries of college, especially freshman year, is what is it going to college is actually going to cost. Sure, you know there’s tuition and for some room and board. But how much will you need to make it through the first semester? The first year?

Transitioning to Retirement
Transitioning to retirement takes planning and preparation. But if you're wise, you can help to set yourself up for a comfortable retirement.

When Times Get Tough
When emergencies and unexpected situations strike, it’s important to be prepared and make wise decisions. While tough times can vary, from a sudden job loss to a natural disaster, the steps that you can take to prepare yourself are often the same.